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Institutional Capacity Development in Technical Education
National and pilot in Zone 4 (Manabí and Santo Domingo de las Tsáchillas)
2014 - 2016
Planned 2014 - 2016: €2,200,000
Belgian Federal Government (DGD)
Secondary technical and vocational education, Teacher Development, School Leadership, Strategic Support

In 2011, the Ecuadorian government reformed secondary education. A core curriculum (‘tronco común’) was installed for the three years, complemented by the choice of one between two paths: either scientific or technical preparation. The government now wants to strengthen the technical option. One of the most challenging tasks is to improve specific pedagogical, technical and didactical skills that TVET teachers need. Programmes for teacher professionalisation and training don’t take the specific nature of technical education sufficiently into account yet.


Technical education teachers and school leaders prepare students for their role in society and for decent work.


Strategic partner

  • Ministerio de Educación de Ecuador (Ministry of Education - MINEDUC)

Operational partners

  • Subsecretaría de Fundamentos Educativos
  • Subsecretaría de Desarollo Profesional Educativo
  • Subsecretaría para la Innovación y el Buen Vivir
  • National University of Education (UNAE)

VVOB focuses on capacity development of partner organisations working in the fields of professional development of teachers and school leaders in technical education, and of creating better links between education and the labour market. The programma in Ecuador has five result areas:

  • VVOB works with the Subsecretaría de Fundamentos Educativos. This Ministry of Education division is responsible for developing core policies and documents for the national educational system. Cooperation includes support for the development of an integrated and inclusive technical education public policy, focusing on teachers and school leaders.
  • VVOB supports Teacher and Directive teams’ professional development through the Subsecretaría de Desarollo Profesional Educativo, to ensure specific options for technical school teachers and school leaders’ professionalisation. Cooperation includes developing technical education teacher profiles, to properly frame professionalisation activities. Teacher training, internships in companies and learning networks are also part of the activities with this Ministry of Education division.
  • In a third result area, VVOB supports the National University of Education (UNAE) through the development and implementation of a pedagogical training programme for teachers who aim to specialise in TVET.
  • VVOB also works with the Subsecretaría para la Innovación y el Buen Vivir, supporting the development of educational material focused on the implementation of school management standards in technical schools.
  • Finally, VVOB strengthens the Ministry of Education in its dialogue with other important partners, such as the entrepreneurial and business sector.